Monday, June 4, 2012

Alcohol Sales: Why do we have a 3-tier system

Many people wondeer why we have a a 3-tier alcohol delivery/ distribution sales system . While some people believe that there is some government/lobbyist conspiracy “keeping the little guy down”, the truth is, the government control system was born out of a need for purity – not greed. The 3-tier system is actually a remnant of the post-prohibition era, where those who opposed repealing prohibition wanted a promise from the government that things would not return to the way that they were – they wanted a promise that the government would help control the flow of liquor to stop sin, or something like that. Hence the term “control state”. The entire point of the system as it was devised was to drive up the cost of liquor and collect revenue for the government, controlling the flow and (in theory) reducing consumption. Over time, many control states deregulated slightly and allowed private distributors – although not all have. Today, the 3-tier system does not necessarily help small producers (or even large producers, for that matter) – but it was never designed to. It was designed to increase the cost to the consumer so to appease the pro-prohibition crowd. There are, however, some advantages to using a distributor over self-distribution. It isn’t solely a “take” relationship when you work with a distributor, and many distributors genuinely care about the suppliers and producers they work with. But the big breakthrough in understanding distributors is this one… They provide a service. How many craft producers really want to spend all day running a shipping operation? Or running around to every location with their product to make sure that everything is in place? Distributors have a service that they provide, and it is valuable. That is just one of the mindset shifts that should occur for a producer/supplier to see success in finding the right distributor for them, and creating a win-win scenario for both parties.
‎Action Distribution in Conjunction with Novus Ordo would like to announce: The 2010 Novus Ordo Reserva Serie Malbec Launch Party in Phoenix — Sunday, July 22 at 6:00pm with Nicole Nannini and Eduardo Luis Ferrer Canadell at Penske Racing Museum.
I strarted a WINE DISTRIBUTION BUSINES, ACTION DISTRIBUTION LLC ACTIONDISTRIBUTION.NET It took almost half a year to get the License. Now I am awaiting the first Shipment of Product: NOVUS ORDO WINES from Argenina. The importer, Two Americas, had to wait untill Action Distribution, was Licensed so they could apply to ship to Arizona and this has also been taking some time. But soon we should be sampling the "fruits (grapes) of reward from our labor'. NOVUS ORDO WINES are from the renowned Mendoza region which is Argentinas highly acclaimed wine growing region. They offer several varietals of award winning Malbecs and now for the first time, a brand new Chardonnay. ACTION DISTRIBUTION LLC will distribute fine botutique wines that are low volume high quality for the descrimainating wine conesuer pallets. We are looking to get some Italian and German products, possibly Beer and Wine and Spirits. Keep you eyes open to learn more about our development. I look to post wine updates and future sampling dates as well as interesting facts about wines/ adult beverages.